Puttering around this summer

I find myself puttering around this summer. Not sure if I like it? It seemed a waste of time at first, yet, lately I am seeing its value. I have

Strategic Planning for Everyone

What do academics, accountants, and authors have in common? They all volunteer for organizations that need strategic planning! Last month I facilitated sessions with organizations representing these three communities. Interestingly,

A eulogy for my Grandfather

Yesterday I delivered a tribute (eulogy) to my grandfather at his funeral. It was the hardest public speaking event I have ever done. I drew on all my skills to

Optimize your SEO!

The first time I heard the expression optimize your SEO, I had no idea what it meant. Was this something I need to be concerned about? Yes! What is SEO?

Business Networking: Building your network

Business networking is establishing mutually beneficial relationships with clients/customers, suppliers, and other like-minded professionals. This critical skill aids you in growing both personally and professionally. Before you rush out to

Success is not determined by performance

Carole Spicer standing on The Tablelands in Gros Morne wearing a Toronto Maples Leafs hat.

How do you define success? You may be surprised to find that performance has very little to do with it. I was. The Science of Success (The Nature of Things)

Supporting small businesses

I was reminded yesterday of the importance of supporting small businesses. Without your support we just would not exist. An insightful thank you note Recently my husband made an online

Variety is the Spice(r) of my Business!

You have heard of Variety is the Spice of Life? This week I believe Variety is the Spice(r) of my Business! Meaning of the expression According to Oxford Reference, this is

Strong Relationships & Making Connections

“Strong relationships are one of the core values of owner and founder, Carole Spicer.” This statement appears on my website, and every proposal I write. Why? The value of strong relationships

4th Anniversary Celebration!

Carole standing in front of the AITC banner

This week marks my 4th anniversary of being in business at Spicer Facilitation & Learning. In Canada, 11 companies are founded every hour! That is a total of 95,000 new businesses