February 19, 2021
Three years ago I went swimming on this day. Now, you may wonder, how does she remember that? Well, it was also the day I started Spicer Facilitation & Learning. I remember that Monday morning so clearly. I launched my Facebook page, ordered my business number with CRA and then hopped in the car to go swimming with two of my aunts.
We attended a public swim at 9:30 am. The only folks swimming at that time of day are parents with young children and seniors. So, when I arrived, I was promptly sold a seniors pass! I quickly learned that swimming at that time of day is really just a social float; a time for people to catch up on local news, who is sick, who has travelled, who has returned home. As a result, I was fresh news! As I came up during my front crawl, I heard, Niece. Job. Government. Yup, I was the talk of the pool.
Three years ago I had no idea what my business would look like today. I had an idea, a business plan, and projections of where I thought I would be at this point in time. To say I exceeded my expectations is an understatement.
Three years by the numbers
Today I am too busy to go swimming which is a good thing! I am so grateful for the support I have received. Starting with my husband who endures me being home way more than expected, especially with a pandemic! Our daughters who encourage me and listen to my endless stories. My parents and extended family who are always eager to know what my latest adventures are. My 96-year old grandfather who keeps asking me, “Is there a dollar to be made at what you do?” Yes, Pop, I am making a dollar and then a few more. I could not do this without them.
Finally, I could not be where I am today without the clients who have put their trust and faith in me, my processes, and my desire to see them succeed. To everyone who has recommended me to someone else, has hired me, has attended one of my events, who has shared my social media posts, Thank You! I look forward to the next three years and then a few more! ~ Carole