Business Plans & Financial Projections

From start-up to succession, a solid business plan can keep you focused and keep your lenders happy.

Start Up

Thinking of making the leap from concept to starting your business? Putting a business plan together will help you clarify your goals and requirements to be successful.


Thinking of buying a business? An acquisition plan including your financials and projections will help you talk with your lenders to secure the funding you need.


What does the growth of your business look like? Understanding your cash flow and developing three years of income statement projections can help you determine your next steps.

Succession Planning

Are you nearing the time to implement your exit strategy? Preparing your income statements for prospective buyers is a great first step towards developing your succession plan.

Are you ready to

Tell your story

Investors want to know who YOU are. Ideas and numbers are not always enough. Be ready to pitch your business by including your unique story. 

Be sure to check out my Funding page for possible opportunities to assist in developing your documents.

Two women in an interview. The woman on the left is holding a microphone. Telling your story is an important part of your business plan.